LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE INTERWEB!! Today Twin Peaks bless us with their latest album Down In Heaven and 13 heavy-hitting tracks. This album is tightly crafted and will certainly take you places – all over the place actually in the best way.
There’s a little Stones, a little Lou Reed, and even a little of The Monkees. There’s a few bruised ballads and of course a few amped-up bangers. There’s crunchy power cords and catchy vocal harmonies (seriously, just try to listen to “My Boys” without those ba ba bas ear-worming into your mind).
There’s enough talent on this record to make people talk. Important people like the folks at Pitchfork, NME, and Flavorwire. But who cares what they think. Be an independent-minded fucker and go give the album a listen for yourself. Go now. We already loaded the @spotify playlist for you in the is post. Why are you still reading this?
If you made it this far, well, you didn’t listen to us earlier. But perhaps you’re looking for more information so here goes: you can see Chicago’s favorite dudes live this summer (!!!!) and peep the full schedule here. Buy your digital copy of Down In Heaven from iTunes or bathe in the lush sounds of vinyl over in our shop. And there is plenty of sweet sweet merch on the Twin Peaks’ website where you can COLOR ON THE ALBUM COVER! Send us screen grabs of your beautiful art work please.