
July 12, 2018

Samia shares “Milk” music video

Another jaw-droppingly gorgeous one from Samia. “Milk” was produced by Jesse Harris, and the accompanying video was shot by Tess Lafia. The song follows the more rambunctious “21″ with a return to the contemplative side. A gut-wrencher about eating disorders, losing loved ones, and finding strength and clarity in sadness. The single is out now on your favorite streaming services.

But in perhaps even more exciting news, later this year you’ll get the chance to see Samia in the flesh when she hits the road to support Active Bird Community along the east coast. Check out the dates in our tour section.


May 8, 2018

Samia shares “21” music video

We should be used to it by now, but Samia just keeps surprising us. Today we unveil a new single and music video for “21.” The track was produced by John Agnello, and it’s up everywhere you stream music. The video was directed by the whizes over at Hyper House, and The FADER debuted it this morning.

“A raw, electric energy runs through the veins of New York songwriter Samia’s music,” says The FADER. “You can hear it in the way her voice often clambers to a wail before immediately dipping into her lower register, and in the knife-sharp lyricism that slices through “21,” the newest song in a recent string of one-offs.” They’re right. Watch the video now, and if you’re in New York, make it your business to join us This Thursday at Pete’s Candy Store.


February 16, 2018

Samia shares new single “Django”

Meet Samia.

Her new single, “Django,” is out today on Grand Jury, and there’s more where that came from. The piano-led ballad recalls some of the low-lit charms of Tobias Jesso Jr, the hushed immediacy of Phoebe Bridgers, while drawing from the same well of sharp-witted lyricism as Liz Phair. It’s a tongue-in-cheek ode to the depth and fleeting nature of teenage sorrow, and the perfect introduction to her world.

She’ll be at Rockwood on Monday night. If you’re in New York and you’re not there, you’re doing it wrong. So we’ll see you there?